You can immediately download and use them along with the code-free version, so you can follow along with me. You are going to get access to over 50 examples and files that apply to your work. If you want to study offline, I have over 50 pages of documentation, and a detailed table of contents, so you can easily find anything in the course. Once you complete every section, you’ll have quizzes and exercises to solve and fully understand the theory. In this section, I’ll make you a data visualization expert!įinally, I’ll walk you through the next-level dynamic interactive charts with the help of form controls and formulas, and a ton of real-life examples. Then we’ll dive into the real meat of the course, the section with custom build advanced charts. You will be shocked at how easy you can add great-looking infographics to an Excel worksheet. Infographics are stunning graphic visual representations of information, which are intended to present data quickly and clearly. The next section is about infographics with excel. Once we’ve mastered the basics, I’ll walk you through all the tools to improve your graphs with conditional formatting, custom number formatting, and shapes. Then I’ll walk you through the charting techniques to create and modify a chart quickly and easily.Īfter that, we will chop up the defaults of Excel charts with some ninja skills to use what Excel does have and create powerhouse visualizations. We’ll start by why and how we visualize data.
I include several realistic case studies so you can see how a business question can turn into a chart or dashboard. This course will guide you through Excel's data visualization features from shapes to conditional formatting to charts. I’m a Microsoft Certified Expert and I now teach students in over a hundred and fifty countries. I’m a full-time teacher and have my computer learning school for over 20 years. My name is Andreas, and I’ll be your instructor through this trip of knowledge. Hello, and welcome to Microsoft Excel Charts, Infographics, and Data Visualization Masterclass Course!
In this course, you will learn about these advanced charts and how you can create them in Excel. In addition to the chart types that are available in Excel, some application charts are popular and widely used. Excel charts are an efficient means to visualize the data to convey the results.
Have you wasted your time searching countless hours for YouTube videos, trying to find useful content about Excel Dynamic Charts? What if you could learn how to make designer-quality Excel Graphs and Infographics in a few hours?ĭata visualization is a powerful tool for communicating information. COMPLETELY REDONE ON MARCH 2022 WITH NEW VIDEOS!